Friday, April 30, 2010

Mike and Tony’s Big Adventures

Adventure 1

I love to ride horses and ride any chance I get. As a teenager I use to go to the stables near Sugar bottom in Iowa where I grew up to ride. This particular time I took Mike Daniels with me. I didn’t know if he had ridden before but I was about to find out.

The beginning of the trail was fine with no major incidents. Then Mike had to get off his horse because it let out so much air from its stomach that the saddle was getting loose and starting to list to the side making Mike list with it. He did what he could to adjust it with a little success. As he was attempting to get back on his horse it moved to the side, as Mike followed, it stepped on his foot.

So here is Mike trying to move this heavy horse off his foot in much pain. I tried not to laugh- I was unsuccessful. After a few attempts he finally succeeded and he mounted to get on our way. A little time later we had a nice flat opening so I decided this was a good time to race Mike.

I took off galloping at full speed with a good lead. As I was holding on, getting in my grove of the horse, behind me I hear a yell, “Awwwww!” Then a sound that sounded like a sack of potatoes being thrown to the ground. Thump! As I turned to my right to see what it was a horse came flying by me without rider or saddle. That was Mike’s horse.

Yep, that thump was Mike and the last half of the trail for him was a hike. Luckily he was not seriously hurt. I don’t know if he ever got on a horse after that.

Adventure 2

Mike and I often rode our bicycles all around Iowa City as kids and young teenagers. On this ride we were heading to the Coralville damn which was quit a long ride from our houses. He was on his Schwinn Sprint and I on my Schwinn Varsity and it was probably at least twenty miles out to the damn. All was well until we were riding along side the Iowa River across from City Park. For some reason, Mike crashed into one of the poles on the side of the trail. I guess that was the good part because if the pole had not stopped him the river would have.

So we continued on. About five miles further we were on a narrow bike path shared with runners and walkers. As Mike rode by a walker with his dogs he got tangled in the leases bringing himself to a quick stop.

We finally made it out to the dam with no further problems and Mike still on this side of the living. A little busied up maybe but still among the breathing.

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